Wing News






1942 (Wadebridge) Squadron shooting team has achieved a unique hat-trick of wins in the Council for Cadet Rifle Shooting small-bore team competition which is open to all cadet forces nationally and the shield is awarded to the best community-based cadet unit from all three services, which the Wadebridge Royal Air Force Air Cadets have now won three times in succession, a feat never before achieved.


The Officer Commanding Plymouth & Cornwall Wing, Wing Commander Francis Reis, presented the CCRS Shield to team members Sergeant Harry Bryant (17), Corporal Sebastian Krasnodebski (17), with team coach, Flight Lieutenant Chris Gill also in attendance, (in absentia Cpls Lara Kestle and Joe Mercer) and Cadet Leo Batory (14).


Sergeant Bryant was also presented with a medal for having been the best community cadet shot in the competition, Cpl Krasnodebski running a close second, while Cadet Batory was presented with his Competition Marksman badge, the highest level marksmanship badge available to Air Cadets.